Top 10 Oldest Universities in the World

The word university comes from the Latin word universitas magistrorum et scholarium, which means  “community of teachers and scholars”. The term was conceived by the Italian University of Bologna, which, with a traditional founding date of 1088, is considered the first higher education institution in the western world and a major part of this list. […]

Top 10 Predictions for the Future

In the past few decades, we’ve gone beyond what most of our ancestors would be willing to accept as possible. The digital age is well and truly in our realm of reality, in all of its exciting and terrifying glory. This is just the beginning, before the end of this century this place is going […]

Top 10 Odd Facts about Donald Sterling and V. Stiviano

Here are ten interesting facts about Donald Sterling and his mistress, V. Stiviano. 10. She thinks Sterling is a Bigot.In the tape, V. Stiviano, who is of Black and Mexican Mexican, repeatedly presses Donald Sterling about his hatred for racial minorities and points out multiple times that she has a “mixed” racial background. She also […]

Top 10 Strange Encounters with Black Eyed Children

Tales of Black-Eyed Children began appearing on online forums in the late 1990s. They are pretty much a folk phenomenon of people having strange encounters with kids whose eye’s are all black. They insist upon entering a stranger’s vehicle or home ad seem to instill a great sense of fear and panic. As a fan […]

Top 10 Dogs in Popular Culture

Dogs in real life are funny and interesting creatures. Animated dogs in cartoons are even funnier and more interesting (most of the time). With so many dogs in popular culture to choose from, it was difficult to make this list of just ten dogs, but here are top 10 canines that really stand out in […]