Did you ever notice a stranger from across the room at a party or at a meeting at work who looked drop-dead gorgeous, but who, once you got to know better, suddenly wasn’t as good looking? It could have been an off-color comment or something about their personality that instantly changed your opinion about their looks.
What about the opposite? Did you ever meet someone who you thought was not very attractive, but once you got to know that person, your opinion about their physical characteristics changed for the better? That person just got better-looking in your eyes because they had a charming personality.
The quirks or qualities of someone’s personality can enhance or detract from their physical beauty. I wrote this article, top 10 nationalities of the most unattractive women, for one very important reason. I wanted to get you thinking about what the definition of “attractive” is. Should you follow your stereotypes or try something new? Please comment politely in the blog section of this post.
10. Irish
Ireland is doing much better in the polls these days, but is still facing a large nonacceptance rate. Women are more likely to be admitted to hospital with depression and men are more likely to be admitted with schizophrenia and alcoholic disorders. Stats also found that women were more likely to be hospitalized in 2010, with 343 hospital discharges per 1,000 women compared with 305 discharges per 1,000 men. Men are more likely to be admitted to psychiatric hospitals for schizophrenia and alcoholic disorders, while women are more likely to be admitted for depression.
9. Albanian
Albania is also doing much better in the polls these days, but is still facing a large nonacceptance rate. Albanian women have an appearance which is hard to guess, because they have Arabic features but also European. Some more then others. The good thing about dating Albanian women is that they are family oriented and very loyal to their men. When on a date they will often insist on paying.
8. Turkish
In Turkey, good looking men outnumbered the good looking women. Eastern European is filled with attractive women, especially in the Baltics and Ukraine. But in Turkey good looking guys are abundant and women are, well, absent. It’s not that Turkish women are ugly. It’s just that they’re not on streets. I’m not sure where they’re hiding, but over 80% of the pedestrians are men.
7. American
Women from the United States have an acceptance rate of 37%. This is not surprising given the obesity rates in the country. According to a study in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), the obesity rate among adult Americans is estimated at 32.2% for men and 35.5% for women (2008 stats). These rates were roughly confirmed by the CDC in 2009 and in 2010. Using different criteria, a Gallup survey found the rate was 26.1% for U.S. adults in 2011, up from 25.5% in 2008. The rate for women has held steady over the previous decade, but is nowhere near improving.
6. Dutch
Journalist Santje Kramer asked 24 foreigners who visited Netherlands for their take on Dutch women and collected her findings in a book: Het Poldermodel. Kramer interviewed men and women from all over the world, many of whom have lived in the Netherlands for many years. One set of criticism: was How can they let their appearance go the way they do? They don’t wear jewelry or enough make-up, or brush their hair. One Greek participant was quoted in saying: “If God gives them such beauty, they should do something with it”. I am surprised to learn this because the Netherlands is the most popular attraction for people who like to sin.
5. Chinese
It’s the only country in the world to allow a man to sue his wife over having ugly children – and won. His ex-wife was ordered by court to pay him $120,000 in this very unusual case. This story started out with the man suing his wife for giving birth to an ugly baby girl. Once DNA tests proved that the child was his, he sued his wife for having ugly children. He did this on the grounds of ‘false pretences’ after finding out his ex-wife was beautiful because she had a plastic surgery before they met. Ouch!
4. German
German women didn’t do well. Their acceptance rates were around 14%. The truth of the matter is that German women do not like to shave. If there is any ugly hair on their perfect bodies, they will find ways to cover it. But as we all know, if you keep sweeping everything under the rug, ultimately it will be found by others.
3. British
The United Kingdom didn’t do so well either. Their acceptance rates was around 14%; tied with Germany. Just three in 20 women (15 per cent) who have applied to BeautifulPeople.com have been accepted as members. Existing members of the website rate how attractive potential members are over a 48 hour provisional period, when applicants upload a recent photograph and a short personal profile. They are rated by members of the opposite sex, who have four options to describe how attractive they think the hopeful is – ‘Yes definitely’, ‘Hmmm yes, OK’, ‘Hmmm no, not really’ and ‘NO definitely NOT’.
2. Afghan
I chose to include Afghan women for a reason. Women’s rights in this country are nonexistent. They are covered in clothes from head to toe and are unable to walk the streets without being accompanied by their husbands or fathers. Behind the veil, they may be attractive, but it’s hard to tell.
1. Venezuelan
In a quest for la nariz perfilada, the perfectly-formed nose, there is an epidemic of rhinoplasties among black and multi-racial women in Venezuela. Women who possess “broad noses linked with African heritage” are typically the ones seeking out a more European nose in order to boost their image. That’s basically the cart-before-the-horse logic. Venezuelan culture is into racial stereotyping by skin color and favors light skin and European features. Even the late Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez chastised the nation’s plastic surgeons for performing rhinoplasties on women who could barely pay for it. But then again, there are sites, such as www.cosmeticsupport.com/, that will help any woman get financial backing from a sugar daddy, if they really need a plastic surgery. So the obstacles to plastic surgery are second to none.